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The music room that the pipe organ plays into is shown below.


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This shot looks from the organ chambers toward the console. The Antiphonal division is visible above the console and the piano. On the left is the Twelfth 2 2/3', the 8 'Gedecht and half of the 8' Principal. On the right is the 2' Piccolo, the 4' Nacht Horn, the other half of the 8' Principal and the 8' octave of the Imperial Trumpet the rest of which is barely visible below the two leaded glass windows.


A closer view of the Antiphonal division. The Trumpet-en-Chamade is more prominent in this photo.


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A close up of the Imperial Trumpet. Note the wind chime action in the background.


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A closer view of the Imperial Trumpet. Pipes are held horizontal by the steel rods directly above the resonators. Also note the retainers on the boots to keep the pipes from moving out of their chest holes.


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The main and solo organ chambers from the console end of the music room. Colored lighting is used to enhance the visual effect. There are 4 additional sets of swell shades behind the balcony railing.

I hope you have enjoyed the tour of the organ at Organhouse Agoura. Please return to the home page for views of other collectibles.


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