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7 rank main chest (in floor)
Ranks from right: Clarinet, Violin, Concert Flute, Violin Celeste, Open Diapason, Gamba, Orchestral Oboe
6 rank main chest (in floor)
Ranks from right: Tuba Horn, 10" Tibia Clausa, Dulciana, Dulciana Celeste, Flute Celeste, Gamba Celeste
4 rank free standing chest
Ranks from right: Tuba Mirabilis (barely visible), Style "D" Trumpet, Lieblich Tibia, Vox Humana
Small pipes at left are the 2' octaves to the Lieblich Tibia and Tibia Clausa. Large pipes just barely visible behind Tuba Mirabilis are the 16' Clarinet resonators.
Shot from in front of 6 rank chest showing 4 rank chest and double chrysoglotts above.
Another shot of the double chrysoglotts and their support members, also note the two treble chests in front of 4 rank chest
Main chamber upper level pipe work showing the 8' octave of the Gamba and the Tuba Mirabilis. The five rank mixture is also located in this area but not visible. Note the horizontal swell shades which open into the balcony area of the organ grill.
The five rank mixture installed about 12 feet above the floor in the main chamber.
Another picture of the five rank mixture
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